Long ago, before time began when all things lived together in perfect harmony, there was a tree called the Great Wisdom. Wisdom lived and moved freely. All lifeforms sought after Wisdom’s guidance and would bring their offspring to Wisdom so that they might receive blessings from infancy. All life thrived and flourished.
The trees freely gave of their fruit to sustain the life of other living beings. The beings repaid the favors in kind through the natural circle of life. No being took more than necessary nor gave less than required. A life of balance and simplicity led by Wisdom passed down through the ages before time.

The Seedling and the Great Wisdom

One day, a tree noticed that one of its seedlings differed. The tree was so troubled that it brought the seedling to Wisdom for counsel. The Wisdom asked the tree, “What is so different about this seedling of yours that has your mind so troubled?” The tree responded, “I think it best you speak with my seedling yourself to discern the issue, O Great Wisdom.” “Alright,” Wisdom responded. “I will discern the issue.” So, Wisdom called the seedling forward so they could talk.

“What seems to be the trouble, young seedling?” Wisdom asked, smiling. “I am not sure, Great Wisdom.” The young seedling started hesitantly glancing up at the towering tree. “Go on.” Wisdom said encouragingly. So, the young seedling sighed and started again. “Well, we each give and take what we need without complaint. We live in peace with each other, and life is good.” “Yes?” The Wisdom responded with a puzzled tone. “Yet, there are those who still must live within boundaries.” The young seedling stated resolutely.

The Great Wisdom and the Seed of Change

“Boundaries, you say?” Wisdom asked with a welcoming tone. “Please go on.” Wisdom stated, urging the young seedling to explain further. “Well, the beings of the air can travel the air, land, and even the waters. The beings of the land can travel the land and the waters, and some can travel in the air. However, most of the beings of the waters can only travel the waters. A few can travel the land briefly, and none can travel by air. Why do the beings of the water have such boundaries?”

“What an observant seedling you are!” Wisdom remarked in the most welcoming tone. Little seedling, very few beings come to know in their entire lifespan the truths you have observed in your short life. But since you want to know these first truths, I will share them with you. The beings of the waters do not venture beyond their borders because they limit themselves, and so they are bound to the confines of the waters. The beings of the air dare to go beyond the limits of the air and venture to the land and the waters below. And so, they find food, shelter, and rest beyond the confines of their original paths. So, too, do the beings of the land. They dare to explore the waters boldly and, to a lesser extent, the skies above and can go further and deeper than the beings of the air and water.

Hope For All Seekers

So, you see, my dear little seedling, the boundaries you speak of were, are, and will continue to be forever in place until the being realizes that they are the ones that placed them there and are the only ones capable of removing them. So, what say you?”
“Wow!” the little seedling exclaimed. So, could the beings of the water possibly walk on land? Oh, and the beings of the land could fly through the air. How exciting! But wait, shouldn’t we tell all the beings, Great Wisdom?” the little seedling asked. “Ah,” Wisdom replied. “I offer myself freely to those who seek me. And those who seek me will always find me.”

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