Music is one of the many things that connected my daughter and me. We loved listening to music, and we also loved singing. I remember taking road trips together and singing along to the songs together – what beautiful memories. 

After her death, singing became more of a challenge. Although I still loved music, the passion for singing seemed to lose its savor. I also would hear music on the radio or play our favorite songs on my playlist, and rather than sing along, I was struck silent. 

A Cry for Help

Until one day, I was browsing for new music. I heard a sorrowful song on my streaming service. The song was a cry for help. I also could feel the young woman’s desperation reaching out through the airwaves and into my soul. The song stirred my heart and moved me to tears. Before I knew it, I was searching for the lyrics. I kept the song on repeat until I learned all the words. I cannot remember how many times I sang the song that day, but my poor neighbors probably know the answer. 

Song In My Heart And On My Lips

Each time I sang the song, I thought about that young woman desperately reaching out for help. I also thought about my daughter. I thought about all the millions of individuals in the world suffering in silence, and my heart broke for them. Each time I sang the song, I said in my heart, “ I hear you, and I am here for you. You are not alone.” From that moment, I vowed to be no longer silent. Now, I sing every day. I cry I laugh, and I am sometimes off-key. But I look forward to singing every day. Someone somewhere is waiting for a word of encouragement from me. I must refuse to be silent.

If you or a loved one is struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call the national toll-free hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Help is available. Visit the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

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