Help Me Please: Where’s My Phone?

My sister-in-law calls me on my cell phone. Even though I have about 30 minutes before an appointment, I take the call.  We have not spoken in a while. We chat about the children and life in general. I tried to keep things light, mindful that I have a prior engagement. About 10 minutes before I have to leave,  I start looking for the essentials like my house keys, car keys, wallet, and phone so that I can make a quick exit.

I found all essentials except my cell phone. Anxiety begins to set in. I cannot leave the house without my phone since it is the only way for my daughter to reach me. After all, the two of us lived alone at that time. My sister-in-law realizes that I am anxious and asks what I am having trouble finding. “My cell phone is missing,” I tell her. 

I notice her silence on the other end but dismiss it. I attributed it to her giving me the quiet to do a thorough search. After a minute or so, she asks, “ What phone are we speaking on?”

Puzzled by her question, I pull the phone from my ear in annoyance only to discover the missing cell phone! My sister-in-law’s rip-roaring laughter followed a moment of stunned silence. Then she graciously pointed out that I did not have a landline.

If I close my eyes, I can still hear her boisterous laughter in my ears. After all, I was talking on the same phone I was looking for feverishly. The only available phone in the house, one might add. Yes, another LAM moment to add to my collection.

I hope the Where’s My Phone LAM moment brought you some joy today!

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