So, what comes after a long drought, you may ask? I find myself contemplating this question at the end of a very long dry season where everything that could go wrong did in my life.  Perhaps you may have found yourself in very similar circumstances. Or, possibly, your dry season may not have lasted as long. Or you may be in the midst of a dry season. Whatever the case, we should always take a moment to reflect before diving in after a dry spell into the daily grind that once defined our lives.

How to Adjust in a Longer Than Anticipated Drought

Sometimes, all the preparations you make may not be enough. All your careful planning and extra effort you put in may have fallen short of the mark. Or, in some instances, you may be blindsided entirely. For me, my drought lasted much longer than I anticipated. I suddenly found myself in a dry season beyond six months. As one can imagine, after you put time and effort into something, whether it be a project, career, marriage, or what have you. Regardless, there is some level or measure of progress expectation desired as you move through the various stages.  In my case, I made this grand plan at the beginning of the year. However, I depended upon others, fulfilling their steps in my plan. When that failed, I had no contingency in place, and the entire plan came to a screeching halt. What was supposed to be a three-month launch now turned into a six-plus month delay.

So, how did I adjust you ask? Not well. I let the disappointment roll over me and completely consume me. All I could focus on was the problem; everywhere I turned, no one offered any solutions. This defeatist mindset continued for several months, as I let the walls of no stop me in my tracks. I became complacent and forgot why I started Quwhits in the first place.

How to Survive the Aftermath of a Drought

So, here I am again. I’ve dusted myself off and ready for the next battle round. Armed with my new mentality, that delay does not mean denied. I am committed to seeing my plan through. I am determined to see my vision realized in 2024. The rest of the world will have to catch up. I promised my Quwhits friends, and I aim to fulfill that promise.

How do you survive the aftermath of a drought? By staying true to yourself. By pushing past the negative emotions that may cloud your judgment and the inevitable no’s that may rise to hinder you on your path toward success. Learning to silence the nay-sayers and the voice of self-doubt that can sometimes cripple you before you leave the starting block can accelerate your recovery time—elevating you from surviving to thriving.

How to Thrive in the New Season Post-Drought

So, does this mean now that my battle has been won? No. But I am learning to celebrate the little successes along the way. The fact that I am sitting here on a Friday night writing to you when things are still imperfect is victory enough for me. Today, I am one step closer than yesterday. I hope that this message inspires someone else to keep pushing. You, too, could be one step closer to your victory.

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